“People and things do not upset us. Rather we upset ourselves by believing they upset us”

Albert Ellis

Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy

Reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress with REBT, your leading psychotherapy treatment solution.

  • Challenge negative beliefs and unhelpful perceptions
  • Understand and manage triggers of anxiety, depression, and other unhealthy emotions
  • Develop coping strategies for chronic pain management
  • Take back control of your mental health and support your wellbeing

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Gain the power to challenge negative beliefs and transform your way of thinking with one of the oldest forms of psychotherapy.

  • Safe & natural access to the subconscious mind
  • Realign negative beliefs via meditative state and visualisation
  • Alter your perceptions and improve your emotional and behavioural outcomes

Emotive merry go round

Life has a tendency to throw challenges at us and then sit back to see how we cope. Often, the event is not the challenge itself but our interpretation of this event which causes us psychological and physiological changes.

I understand too well the dilapidating effects our mind can have on our overall wellbeing. From mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression to health and pain problems, assertiveness issues to the accumulation of habits, therapy offers a platform to rewire and rethink the way you respond to these events.

I can help with Depression, Anxiety and Chronic Pain

You’ve got the power to change the way you think! 

Jana Sheena BABCP

REBT and Clinical Hypnotherapy

I employ rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and clinical hypnotherapy, either separately or combined depending on your preference, to identify and address emotional and behavioural problems as well as their triggers.

Treatments for conditions such as anxiety driven panic attacks, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), separation anxiety, social anxiety, psycho-sexual anxiety, and generalised anxiety disorders. A brief phone consultation can be the first step to a radical and sustainable change.

I can also help with lack of motivation, apathy, feelings of sadness which may manifest into depression.
People don’t often want to admit they have a depression and emotions like guilt and shame often exacerbate already established vicious cycle of despair. A talk through and goal orientated therapeutic techniques can radically change your perceptions which then impact more healthy outcomes.

Additionally, I can also help with pain management, which became one of my specialities thanks to my 12yrs of experience working with cardiovascular patients often challenged by multiple physiological symptoms doubled by anxiety or depression.


Trust Score Badge White:
“I had previously found the whole idea of hypnotherapy quite daunting however with Jana, I was in safe hands because she made me feel completely at ease and I was so surprised at how quickly I started to feel the results of the hypnotherapy in my everyday life. I would recommend anyone to go and see Jana”
Jana is friendly and firm – which is exactly what I needed. She also understood the situation I was in and was able to discuss other areas of my life as well as focusing on the immediate issues I felt I had.
It was extremely beneficial, and I would recommend sessions with Jana just to help sort out a cluttered mind and get some positivity going!”
“I found it quite challenging at first and was quite sceptical about whether I’d be able to implement any of CBT techniques but was pleasantly surprised by the outcome. You’re definitely very talented at what you do, but apart from that, your passion and desire to help people is very inspiring. I look forward to coming for another session and will recommend you without hesitation.”
Nikki, London Bridge

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‘Fantastic, Jana helped me get out of a really bad place where I was suffering with burnout, depression, anxiety and panic.She took me through the stages of helping the immediate urgent issues, then building up my confidence enough to use RE-CBTtools and encouraged me to practice them in real wold scenarios. After learning the tools, we built that knowledge to…

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