Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy

Managing Unhelpful Negative Emotions, Anxiety, Depression, Shame, Hurt, Guilt and Jealousy.

REBT managing unhelpful negative emotions, anxiety, depression, shame, hurt, guilt and jealousy

Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy

REBT in a Nutshell:

  • Challenge negative beliefs
  • Understand stress triggers
  • Develop coping strategies
  • Take back control of your mental health

Challenging the way you think, one emotion at a time

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) is your mental health advocate. A type of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, REBT challenges negative beliefs and helps you to regulate emotions, develop coping strategies, and realign approaches to current problems.

Focused on nurturing your mental health and emotional wellbeing, REBT provides you with a platform to identify unhealthy beliefs, acknowledge cognitive, emotional, and behavioural triggers, and challenge the way you think.

REBT gives you back control!

Using the principle of ‘ABCDE model’, REBT helps you to shift your focus from blaming external events for your unhappiness and helps you to adjust your interpretation of these events and alleviating your overall psychological distress.

A: Activating event – acknowledging the event/situation that (triggered) distress
B: Belief – delving into your current thoughts (connected to) the event/situation
C: Consequence – identifying your emotional response to your beliefs (physical symptoms and behaviours).
D: Debating and challenging your thoughts (connected to) the event/situation
E: Effective new approach/attitude to your problem

Unhealthy Jealousy

is typically triggered by a perceived threat to a relationship with a partner from another person. A jealous individual tends to see threats to one’s relationship when none exists, thinks the loss of one’s relationship is imminent, misconstrues one’s partner’s ordinary conversations as having romantic or sexual connotations or obsesses about rejection.

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is one of the most common emotions everyone experiences at times hence it is a natural reaction to some situations we tend to fear. When the feelings of anxiety become frequent, it can even trigger physiological symptoms that can lead to a fight or flight response – the body’s natural physiological reaction to stress, fear or danger.

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is a mood disorder and tends to manifest itself in feelings of sadness, failure or loss. Individuals suffering from depression tend to lack interest or pleasure in previously enjoyable activities or persuades. That said, most people experience unhealthy emotions of depression which doesn’t always lead to chronic depression.

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Unhelpful negative emotions

unhelpful or unhealthy negative emotions: depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, hurt, shame, unhealthy jealousy and unhealthy envy. Listed emotions tend to interfere with a constructive way of thinking and acting, resulting in avoidance and blaming oneself, others, or the world. They can lead to destructive or avoidant behaviour.


overestimates the extent to which the other person acted deliberately, sees malicious intent in the motives of others, is unable to see the other person’s point of view and self is seen as definitely right; others are seen as definitely wrong.

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is triggered in some individuals when their moral code is violated or breached according to their perceptions. Failure to live up to their moral code or hurting the feelings of a significant other can also be guilt triggering.

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is an unhealthy emotion often associated with negative self-evaluation, unwanted exposure,  feelings of worthlessness, humiliation or embarrassment.

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feelings of hurt usually trigger thoughts of unfairness, resentment, anger or a sense of being treated badly/unjustly.