
Hypnotherapy Testimonials

CBT testimonials

“I am your typical yo-yo dieter with less will power than a chocolate addict in the Cadbury Factory!
Negativity and a love-hate relationship with food and exercise have combined over a good few years to produce a flabby and lethargic me. I went to see Jana last year at the recommendation of my plastic surgeon and although totally sceptical about hypnotherapy I found that surprisingly, I enjoyed it. I felt relaxed and it taught me a lot of mind tricks which have helped. A year later I am keeping a food diary, I’m a member of a gym and most importantly I have learnt the art of positive thinking.
Things don’t happen overnight, but I am in a much better place than I was a year ago and the sessions with Jana have played a part in that. One major benefit that Jana taught me is the ability to visualise and look to the future rather than immediate gratification. I’m looking forward to the summer this year!
“I had previously found the whole idea of hypnotherapy quite daunting however with Jana, I was in safe hands because she made me feel completely at ease and I was so surprised at how quickly I started to feel the results of the hypnotherapy in my everyday life. I would recommend anyone to go and see Jana”.
Jana is friendly and firm – which is exactly what I needed. She also understood the situation I was in and was able to discuss other areas of my life as well as focusing on the immediate issues I felt I had.
It was extremely beneficial, and I would recommend sessions with Jana just to help sort out a cluttered mind and get some positivity going!”
“I had been a heavy smoker for 30 years and despite numerous attempts to kick the habit, I had always relapsed into my old ways within a month. I had never experienced a hypnosis session, before being referred to Jana and I honestly didn’t believe that she would be able to help me rid myself of this awful habit. I was amazed. After just one session I found that I had the inner strength to be able to resist the temptation of lighting another cigarette. The suggestions that Jana put into my unconscious mind were very motivating and hit exactly the right spot. To say that the outcome was a resounding success would be an understatement. I have been a non-smoker for over 2yrs now!”
“I went to Jana with an ugly duckling attitude. I am now a beautiful swan, well that’s how I feel most days! Initially I went to see Jana to deal with my procrastination during my MSc studies. Just talking to Jana made me realise that I had major anxiety issues in various other areas which we gradually addressed during the therapy. Jana managed to get all these issues into perspective, and she taught me several CBT techniques which helped me to challenge and also change my rigid perceptions about myself and the world around me. If anyone can help you get on track with anything I really do believe Jana can. She is brilliant!”
“I found it quite challenging at first and was quite sceptical about whether I’d be able to implement any of CBT techniques but was pleasantly surprised by the outcome. You’re definitely very talented at what you do, but apart from that, your passion and desire to help people is very inspiring. I look forward to coming for another session and will recommend you without hesitation.”
Nikki, London Bridge
“I was initially very sceptical about the therapy as I suffer with cardiac issues for many years and I didn’t believe that my chronic symptoms would just vanish by talking therapy. I felt very angry about my health and the limitations that it put on me, and found it extremely difficult to even walk into the hospital, let alone attend appointments. However, I was pleasantly surprised how CBT techniques in combination with breathing techniques helped me see and feel things differently. I am now much calmer and much less angry when it comes to discussing my health and even my family commented on the fact that I appear more accepting of what the doctors say. With Jana’s support I have been able to open my mind and look at things from lots of different angles, as well as recognising the impact unhelpful negative thoughts can have on the mind.” – NH, The Royal Brompton Hospital outpatient.
Jana is very easy to talk to and has been very helpful in suggesting coping strategies to deal with intrusive thoughts of anxiety and panic attacks. I would thoroughly recommend Jana as the ideal therapist for you. If I need more sessions in the future I will not hesitated to
contact Jana.
Best wishes
Cheryl, self-referral