
‘Fantastic, Jana helped me get out of a really bad place where I was suffering with burnout, depression, anxiety and panic.She took me through the stages of helping the immediate urgent issues, then building up my confidence enough to use RE-CBTtools and encouraged me to practice them in real wold scenarios. After learning the tools, we built that knowledge to…

My latest CPD experiences and self-reflective notes I would like to share with you :

BABCP webinars May 2022‘Getting ready to do trauma-focused therapy with refugees and asylum seekerswith PTSD – what you need to know, consider and do’ and ‘Adapting traumafocusedtherapy to work with refugees and asylum seekers with PTSD’. withKerry Young and Sam Akbar. I was interested in developing my knowledge of working with this population as I recentlyreceived a few referrals who…

My self-reflective thoughts on a workshop with Esther Perel, the couples counselling guru of our times.

Esther Perel’s Transformative Approach to Couples Therapy in Action was one day workshopwith three therapy sessions recordings and subsequent debate about the approach andstrategies used during the couples therapy. I came across Esther’s work in the therapy room as my clients introduced me to her books andTED’s talks online. With an increasing number of clients who were facing a marriage…

My recent CPD experience and self-reflective thoughts I wish to share with you:)

The Priory Group, I work with as an associate RE-CBT therapist offers various webinars,workshops and seminars online. In this particular webinar I was learning about the history and more recent developments inDialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT). I was curious about this webinar as I was encouraged to learn about DBT by my supervisorwhen discussing a client with interpersonal issues during my…

My latest training experiences and self-reflective notes I would like to share with you :

Complex Trauma Certification Training Level 1 & 2 (CCTP/CCTP-II)Couse with Janina FisherOvercoming Trauma-Related Shame and Self-Loathing with Janina Fisher, Ph.D. Many clients I see as at Priory, Royal Brompton Hospital and my private practice frequentlypresent with trauma-related issues hence I was keen to enhance my knowledge of strategiesand neurological as well as psychological complexities in the trauma field. This lengthy…

My latest CPD experiences and self-reflective notes I would like to share with you :

CBT for Adults with ADHD – BABCP webinarI was interested in broadening my knowledge regarding ADHD in adults and cognitive as wellas behavioural characteristics of adult ADHD. I have been progressively seeing more ADHD diagnosed referrals in the past 12 months,therefore updating my knowledge of Cognitive Behavioural formulation of adult ADHD wastimely. I found the example of longitudinal CBT formulation…


Without wishing to spoil some of the common pre-conceptions about Hypnobirthing, from my perspective (and having gone through it personally) it is not about promising painless labour. It is about learning how to manage your body and mind, and more crucially it is about the realistic management of your expectations prior, during and after the labour. As a mother of…

Have you heard about the new amazing “guaranteed” diet?

Brace yourself! It’s a rational……………..flexible…………….and healthier way of thinking. The best diet is your healthy thinking and carefully executed self-interest. There are thousands of articles out there advising us how to lose weight over night or in a short period of time, however the key is to start thinking differently about your eating patterns and your lifestyle on a whole….

The Main Contrasts and Differences between Ellis’ Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Beckian Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

I often get asked by my clients what are the main differences between various schools of CBT as there a few to choose from. What’s the difference? There are several different types of so called Third Wave CBT approaches : Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), Schema Therapy Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy…