Without wishing to spoil some of the common pre-conceptions about Hypnobirthing, from my perspective (and having gone through it personally) it is not about promising painless labour. It is about learning how to manage your body and mind, and more crucially it is about the realistic management of your expectations prior, during and after the labour.

As a mother of two beautiful boys, I had my own concerns about the experience of labour and also post-natal healing. We often hear from our mothers, friends, or various media outlets about traumatic experiences from childbirth or complications afterwards, which clearly impact our psyche.

 I was lucky enough to have a therapeutic toolkit that helped me to address my concerns and challenge them head-on. I have pre-recorded my own hypnobirthing audio tapes which I listened to, as I would ask my clients to do, daily for 3 months prior to my due date. I also practised breathing techniques, Pilates, Bikram yoga and visualisation, all of which helped me to remain flexible physically as well as mentally regarding my perceptions about my birthing choices and potential challenges.

 I did not visualise a perfect, painless and a quick labour although that is what all women dream of. I mainly focused on training my mind to take ‘a backseat’ and let the body do what it was designed to do since the dawn of humanity. I knew there would be a greater potential for anxiety or even panic to kick in if I over-thought things, and thus perhaps sabotage a very physiological process with my controlling thoughts.

Both of my pregnancies were challenging and the first one certainly more than the second one as I was unsure what to realistically measure the experience by. I learnt a lot about my body and mind during the first pregnancy and especially the labour itself. I felt much more prepared and even better equipped the second time. My second labour could not have played out any better. I felt in control yet relaxed and accepting of my body’s natural programming. I feel privileged and delighted whenever I am asked to assist my clients to help them get ready for their big day.

One of my clients kindly gave her permission to share her experience of hypnobirthing.

Jana helped me with Hypnobirthing therapy for 3 months from my 24th week of pregnancy right up to birth.

She thoroughly improved my pregnancy journey and gently instilled coping mechanisms that I drew upon both consciously and subconsciously throughout my labour and beyond. Jana advised and assisted with everything from breathing to breastfeeding with a lovely bedside manner. She is positive but realistic and nurtured a calm resilience in me during our sessions.

I found the recorded meditation/visualisation sessions that Jana provided particularly helpful and also the fact that she was open with her own experiences of childbirth and the Hypnobirthing process.

I would highly recommend Jana for any mum to be and indeed birthing partners – my husband was encouraged to attend the sessions also and Jana included much useful guidance for him throughout our journey.

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