CBT for Adults with ADHD – BABCP webinar
I was interested in broadening my knowledge regarding ADHD in adults and cognitive as well
as behavioural characteristics of adult ADHD.

I have been progressively seeing more ADHD diagnosed referrals in the past 12 months,
therefore updating my knowledge of Cognitive Behavioural formulation of adult ADHD was

I found the example of longitudinal CBT formulation for an adult with ADHD very helpful as it
summarised the neurobiology-environment interaction. I will adapt the example to specific
client’s early experiences, core beliefs, compensatory strategies and their consequences to
help them break down their formulation.

Overview of formulation-based CBT for ADHD offered a reassurance as the key elements were
in line with my own practice. Namely breaking goals into steps and logging agreed behaviours
on the therapy goals work sheet, strengthening motivation, encouraging and monitoring
behavioural changes as well as management of internal distractions have been an integral
part of my sessions with the ADHD clients.

I found the section on reducing external distractions particularly useful to my clients and I have
noticed that having a clear break down of different types of distractions can be aiding their

There is much more to learn about ADHD which can affect women and men different,
therefore a gender focused assessment can be also advantages and aid the therapy focus.

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